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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Attorney General Barr: FBI Ignored Exculpatory Evidence, Hid Information

During a portion of an interview with NBC’s Pete Williams that aired on Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Attorney General William Barr said the FBI ignored exculpatory evidence when obtaining FISA warrants in the investigation of any possible Trump campaign ties with Russia.

Barr said, “From day one — remember, they said, okay, we’re not going to talk to the campaign. We’re going to put people in there, rile them up and have conversations with people involved in the campaign because that way, we’ll get the truth. From the very first day of this investigation, which is July 31st, 2016, all the way to its end, September 2017, there was not one incriminatory bit of evidence to come in. It was all exculpatory. The people with the tapings denied it with Russia, denied the specific facts that the FBI was relying on. So what happens? The FBI ignores it, presses ahead, withholds that information from the court, withholds critical exculpatory information from the court while it gets an electronic surveillance warrant. It also withholds from the court clear cut evidence that the dossier that they ultimately relied on to get the FISA warrant was a complete sham.”

He continued..


  1. BARR do ur job and start arresting them ?

  2. The guilty ones should go to jail.


    having fun yet??

    Know this (and read it again if you are a cheerleader) --- if any regular, middle class citizen in this country EVER EVER EVER lied to a court, the FBI, or one of the secret courts (??!), we would ALREADY BE IN PRISON.
    We would be broke and trying to get our attorney to call us back and fighting for our lives in prison every day. OUR lives would be purposely destroyed in the name of "justice".
    What do the rich, powerful, and connected do? Book another flight to Hawaii to look at some beachfront property.
    Laugh at subpoenas, destroy evidence, make up some stories. Even lie under oath.
    NOTHING happens.

    Except you continue to cheer.

    Keep cheering.

    Right up to the point you are next on their list.
    GUARANTEED you won't be cheering then.

    1. I don’t see a problem. Maybe your guilty ?

    2. 5:24 Well you’re uninformed and ignorant. I don’t expect you to understand.

  4. Then I want to see them PROSECUTED Now !!!

  5. Replies
    1. For what catching Democrats crimes ?

  6. How can it be possible that the IG came up with his statement that there was no political bias when it is all political and the lies to obtain permission to spie on Trump is there. Say what? Just gave the Dems what they wanted.

  7. FBI is NOT above the Law either > Lock them up too !!!

  8. Obama / Hillary FBI was the Gestapo like in WW2 Germany

  9. FBI cherry-picks & ignores what it wants to !! Fact

    Obama / Clinton leftovers !!!!


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