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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Assateague’s Annual Pregnancy Test Results Expected This Month

ASSATEAGUE =- While it certainly wasn’t the most glamorous aspect of managing the wild horses on Assateague, National Park Service staffers have completed the annual November pregnancy tests on most of the mares on the barrier island.

Each November, Assateague Island National Seashore biologists conduct pregnancy tests on the mares among the population of wild horses in an attempt to predict how many, if any, new foals are expected to join the herd in the coming year. The size of the wild horse population on the Maryland side of Assateague has dipped to 75, or the low side of the ideal range of 80-100, so the pregnancy tests completed this month will be watched perhaps more closely than in other years.

The pregnancy testing targeted 36 mares between the ages of two and 24, according to Assateague Island National Seashore Chief of Interpretation and Education Liz Davis.

“Of the 53 mares in the current herd, 36 were pregnancy tested,” she said. “We expect the results to come back by mid-December.”



  1. Test Pelosi !!! LOL

    1. What for 12:47 ?? She couldn't pay someone to breed her

  2. they should do pregnancy tests on church st. talk about shocking.

  3. DON'T you think the 24 yr old mare is to old
    to be having a foal! I do , and the Dept.
    should take that into consideration for the
    pony and give her birth control ! or do they
    not care that she may die trying to produce!
    Should be unheard of in my opinion.

  4. She is from a Donkey !!! (ASS)


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