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Thursday, December 12, 2019

AOC compares average paid family leave in US to time dogs stay with puppies

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bemoaned major U.S. employers give women who give birth inadequate time away from work and compared some U.S. paid leave programs to the time female dogs are recommended to stay with their puppies.

"Do we know how long puppies are allowed to stay with their mothers after a dog has given birth?” Ocasio-Cortez asked during a congressional hearing on paid family leave programs. "Eight weeks. So, the market has decided that women and people who give birth deserve less time with their children than a dog."

Experts testifying before the committee said the average length of a paid family leave program is six to eight weeks.

The freshman Democrat was grilling Rachel Greszler, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation with years of research on paid family leave programs.

“As a woman who has given birth to six children," Greszler told the Washington Examiner, "I find being compared to a breeding dog with puppies incredibly offensive.”



  1. Then don't have kids...or puppies. Cuz I'm not paying for either.

  2. She is talking to her future voters. 12 year old kids who will vote for her when they turn 18.

  3. How would she know - a women who doesn't want children to come into this world because we are not socialists.

  4. She is one sick MF'er!

  5. She should know.. she's certainly a dog..( sorry for insulting our canine friends)

  6. OAC 4:44😂😂😂😂😂

  7. This is the same wench that promotes killing babies so what does she care about paid family leave? Typical New Yorker can not remember what they say or what they mean. Very uneducated.


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