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Wednesday, December 04, 2019

'Annual holiday tradition': Stephanie Grisham slams media for criticizing 'all that the First Lady does'

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham criticized the media for what she described as a pattern of attacks directed at first lady Melania Trump during the holiday season.

The remarks stem from fashion pieces in the Washington Post that were critical of Trump's outfit and her Christmas decorations around the White House.

"It has become an annual holiday tradition for the media to attack all that the First Lady does. If this was a Democratic Administration, I suspect Mrs. Trump and her work would be featured positively in every mainstream news outlet," Grisham told Brian Flood of Fox News in response to the Washington Post's story.



  1. They envy her elegance and well tuned sense of taste. They go at her so hard that it's actually flattering.

  2. Well said 3:45 PM and I concur. Melanie does bring grace, elegance, and decorum.

  3. Booooring. Cant mount a cohrent defemce on the issues that matter. Then throw up a smoke screen. No ome cares what se fashion mag is saying about an outfit

  4. The evil progressive luciferian left CANNOT stand a successul beautiful conservative GOD fearing women. They prefer their women in drag, jailbait, or in MAo suits


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