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Monday, December 16, 2019

America Has World’s Highest Rate of Single-Parent Households

The United States has a higher share of single-parent households than 129 other countries, a recent analysis from the Pew Research Center reveals.

Twenty-three percent of U.S. children live with a single adult, Pew found, compared with an average of just 7 percent around the world. Of the 130 countries from which Pew obtained survey data, rates of single-parent households ranged from the low 20s in the United States and United Kingdom to as low as 1 or 2 percent in countries like Turkey and Afghanistan.

The report suggests that America's record-high rate, a product of the steady decline in two-parent homes in the United States, is related to the move away from extended family structure in Western nations and toward a more isolated model for children and adults alike. The result is another part of the complicated story of family and marriage inequity in the United States.



  1. And 13 percent of the population and 80 percent of the crime...

  2. As long as America has programs that promote single mothers, like section 8, we will continue to hold the record. Programs that reward mothers to stay single and more money for more babies. I rented to them for years and you would not believe how some of these people turn into. They need programs to promote marriage, two adults raising a family, and being responsible for the number of kids you bring into the world.

  3. Herein, lies the root cause of most of our social issues. Poverty, test scores, crime, etc.

  4. ABORTION or reversible surgical sterilization until you are solvent enough to start a family. This whole thing of a few minutes of pleasure bringing unwanted and unsupportable life into the world is crazy. We truly are no better than the worst of Animals and they are often better providing parents.

  5. Wonder what effect abortion laws have on these “statistics”, as well as the amazing advances in keeping “preemies alive???

  6. 1:56 hits it right on the head... BANG..THEY FOSTER AND FINACE SINGLE FAMLIES..in fact encouraging it and rewarding it will not solve this problen. WHY? Its because these morons push the luciferian idealogy instead of christian values

  7. Girls today are immune from the shame of having children out of marriage or even having a live in father of the child.
    Previously a girl knew she better not have a baby unless she was financially secure. There was no government dollars handed out to single mothers. Today the taxpayers are stuck with working to pay taxes so she can sit on the sofa and watch TV all day or go to the tattoo parlor every other month.

  8. Not all parents choose to be single parents, something most of you ignore.

  9. Maybe birth control is something they might try. It's free to most young girls. And free condoms to the guys too at most health clinics.

  10. No damn wonder. Look at the perks.


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