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Monday, December 23, 2019

A viewer Writes........OCPD Officier Needs Our Help

Merry Christmas Joe!

A local Ocean City police officer is undergoing cancer treatment while his wife just gave birth to their second child. She is on unpaid maternity leave as a special ed teacher and he on medical leave. Can you post this link, or story on your page? I KNOW your readers, like myself, are the giving kind.

Thank you very much and have a wonderful holiday!


Story link for you to check out:



  1. If she’s a teacher why is she on unpaid leave?

    1. FMLA has a time limit and there may be issues that required her to be home with her child to provide care. Please think before you post - the family is obviously going through a tough time and could use some help.

  2. 11:30am
    FMLA will make sure she has a job to return to but if you don't have any sick leave or vacation time to use then it's unpaid.

  3. Why are we picking apart why she is on unpaid leave as the article states? WHO CARES! They are in need and going through a terrible time especially during the birth of their second child. Your negativity or finding some error or fault is not appropriate and heartless.

    1. No thanks. I’ll keep my money. I prepare for disasters like most responsible adults.

  4. We've donated and will continue to donate! God Bless the Berry family!

  5. 1:16 unless changed FMLA can only be used if you have no leave on the books then it kicks in for 12 weeks. You can also received donated leave from other employees when FMLA runs out. Another person that needs the facts before they comment. I feel for this family but am skeptical when people comment on subjects that are misinterpreted by Maryland COMAR.

  6. 6:05 PM - What a cruel and nasty thing to say. Have you seen a police officers salary? Believe me it is not anything you are going to get rich off of and if you are raising a family there is not much left at the end of the month to save. Obviously you made a healthy salary and did not live like normal people do. Unless you have had cancer and know the financial aspects of the cost you really need to STHU!!!! My wonderful mom told me once if you can not think of something nice to say it is better to keep the mouth closed.

  7. Thank you 8:31 PM. I agree!


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