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Sunday, December 15, 2019

A Viewer Writes...........12-12-19

Let's see if you can figure this one out.


  1. su #46 big deal ...

  2. SU car parked front and center.

  3. A Salisbury University vehicle at the liquor store. Big deal.

  4. SU car..... Just not aloud to say who authorized use belongs too

  5. Christmas party after work.

  6. Obviously a SU mixology professor preparing for class.

  7. why is there a gov vehicle at the BAR

  8. Salisbury University vehicle parked right at the front door?

  9. Buying grain alcohol for science experiments.

  10. I'm sure they're there to verify Lottery earnings, check the machine, and delivering new scratch offs and pick up expired ones... or Christmas gifts.

  11. Just need to restock after the last council meeting...

  12. THE POINT ALL........The person's private vehicle should be used, not SU!
    Who knows what else they do with this car? DUI?

  13. WOW!!!! I have never seen such an opinionated group of people. First of all have you ever been in there? They sell a lot more than alcohol. I personally have stopped there on my way home from work and purchased cigarettes, I do not drink at all. The last time I checked that is allowed in a state vehicle. I'm not sure about the idiot with the last council comment as this is a university owned vehicle. The use of these vehicles is to travel to university events such as conferences or recruiting. This individual may very well be doing something wrong but just seeing a vehicle is not enough information for all of the stupid comments this has elicited. And before you start, no I have no personal interest in this or need to defend it. Honestly I don't give a damn as long as they aren't drinking and driving. I did however work at the University so I know how the vehicles are used and if they were taking the car home to leave for a trip the next morning they are allowed to stop and purchase items. Some of the people on the site are awfully self righteous.

  14. There is a Rise uP coffee beside the bottle shop

    1. Rise up coffee is for the progressive left...who hate our Constitution...

  15. 9:05
    Maybe they were driving right by and needed to pick something up. Why would you not stop?
    Also unless anyone knows the explanation of this then why all of the negative comments?

  16. Lol,
    probably that "short old fart" who works maintenance at the University and has a very bad temper.

    Drowning his sorrows , catching up with old ladies at Planet fitness to sleep with.

  17. The driver was probably at Rise Up Coffee and just took advantage of a parking spot! Find some other way to occupy your time......get a job!

  18. "Does anyone know what time it is? Does anyone really "

  19. Why as all you university suck ups are saying ..who cares? Well I DO My tax dollars pay for everthing about that vechile and whoever is in it or driving it. Why should they get a take home car on my tax dime..MORE GAS, MORE MILEAGE MORE WASTE FROM EDUCATION FUNDING

  20. Is it "official" use? Looks bad - should know better. 😂😂😂😂

  21. Your tax dollars have nothing to do with university vehicles. You are clearly ignorant to the funding of the university. Probably better off keeping your comments to yourself. Since you are worried about your tax dollars I am sure you know absolutely no one who uses an EBT card right?

    1. Tax dollars do come into play when the state of Maryland allocates monies for Salisbury and the university. Though salisbury might not be considered a state funded university any longer it still relies on the state of Maryland and it's extortion of Maryland taxpayers

  22. I just heard an old Hank Williams Sr song this week that I find appropriate in this situation. It's called "Mind Your Own Business". Find it and listen to it because it is still on point today after 65 years.

  23. Who the hell cares, I guess some do gooder that has nothing better to do. And 8:44, SU doesn't hold council meetings.


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