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Monday, November 18, 2019

Wicomico County School Board

The Wicomico County Board of Education was previously appointed by the Governor of Maryland. Beginning with the November 2018 election, the board transitioned to fully elected. It has one member elected from each of the five council districts, plus two elected at-large, in a non-partisan manner.

MISSION: The Wicomico County Board of Education and Wicomico County Public Schools are committed to providing the best education possible for all students and to establishing the means by which each and every student can learn. The Wicomico County Board of Education believes that education is the backbone for a successful and well-rounded life, and strives to ensure that students grow intellectually, personally, and socially.

Board of Education Members

2019-2020 Monthly Board Meetings & Awards Nights
Board of Education Additional Meetings

Wicomico County Public Schools Home page


  1. The Board is failing in their mission to provide a good learning experience !!!!

  2. The Kirwin Commission will fix everything. The only problem with the Kirwin Commission is it was written by folks like her that have no clue!


  3. Amazing how people fuss and complain, but will never go to meetings or speak to the people who can actually do something.

    Here is the info you need to get started.

  4. Good first step.. NOW!! Lets get a school voucher program started in MD..ITS time to take back fiscal control from these lunatics.

  5. I call BULLSH!T anyone wanting to run for one of the seats has to be approved by guess who? the same damn swamp that was running things before! this is utter crap!

  6. Time to move out of state

  7. Everyone is BOARD with the school Board !!!

  8. Anonymous said...
    I call BULLSH!T anyone wanting to run for one of the seats has to be approved by guess who? the same damn swamp that was running things before! this is utter crap!

    November 18, 2019 at 5:19 PM

    You are one dumb clown and I am embarrassed for you. No one has to approve anyone running for a BOE seat. Just pay you damn feel and fill out the paperwork.

    Sadly, idiots like the clown making this comment get to vote.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Everyone is BOARD with the school Board !!!

    November 18, 2019 at 6:39 PM



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