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Sunday, November 17, 2019

Why Pete Buttigieg Is The Most Destructive Candidate For Christianity

There’s nothing like seeing #PeteForPresident trending in fourth place nationwide on Twitter to remind you Pete Buttigieg is still very much in this presidential race.

In the crowded field of Democratic contenders for the White House in 2020, Buttigieg is near the top, polling behind only Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders. According to RealClearPolitics’ latest aggregate of polls, in the early primary state of Iowa, Buttigieg trails only Warren, holding 17.5 percent support — and for good reason.

Buttigieg’s resume glows with accolades and qualifications. He is a Harvard University graduate, a military veteran, and a Rhodes scholar, and each time he takes the stage, we are reminded he is a polished, articulate candidate who models presidential decorum. He embodies social progressivism and diversity, even being LGBT, and he speaks a farsighted message of unity and bipartisanship and faith. This multilingual, Midwest mayor of South Bend, Indiana, checks all the boxes, including religion.

And he is without a doubt the most dangerous candidate for Christianity and the gospel.



  1. Isaiah 5:20-21 King James Version (KJV)

    20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

    1. Fourth place in the dems field only means he will be the fourth loser

  2. How does he check the box for Christianity? Isn't he gay? He must not be so faith-filled or he would not be practicing the sexual habits that he is practicing.

  3. Wouldn't that be special to see buttgeee and his boyfriend walking up AIRFORCE 1 HOLDING HANDS 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 LOLOLOL

    1. I agree with 9:24. No that would not be special, it would sickening

  4. As an avowed Homosexual, Mayor Pete is an abomination to all that embrace Christianity! The good book says he's not right! Let's revisit Sodom and Gomorah...

    Sorry Pete - can't vote for you - for a bunch of other reasons too!

    KAG - Trump 2020!

  5. Name a Christian religion that doesn't look the other way.

  6. Its not about looking the other way 7:22. Your free to indulge in anything you desire. He sees it all. So if what you desire goes against GODS plans. Thats the problem.


  8. To be a true Christian "ye must be born again" spiritually. If Buttigieg was a real Christian, he would have been delivered of homosexuality when the Holy Spirit entered his heart at his spiritual rebirth. Churches are filled with fake Christians. There is a supernatural power in those who truly believe and live the life God has called them to live.

  9. Has anyone noticed that ever since we elected a Christian President in 2016 that staunch left-wing Democrats are pretending they are now Christians?

    Susan Hargreaves Parker comes to mind and she is right there with Liberal Father Chris Lebarge. If we don't find another Priest who is conservative I may stop attending.

  10. No True Scottsman, folks, am I right?

    People have been redefining religions to what they all ready believe for as long as religions have been around. If they didn't... the No True Scottsman fallacy wouldn't exist.

    Tell me... how many denominations of Christianity are there? 30+ thousand or so? Are Catholics Christian? What about Jehovahs Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, or Mormons?

    This guy is bad for Christianity... but Trump isn't? Adulterer, cheat, liar, womanizer... He didn't even know how to say Second Corinthians.... he said TWO Corinthians... this guy isn't a Christian and hasn't spent any time paying attention in church. Come on! This guy is as Un-Christian as they come. He REALLY has you all duped.

  11. @ November 13, 2019 at 8:53 AM

    You sound like the nerds at the comics and gaming shop arguing the finer details of what would happen if the Hulk and the Juggernaut were running at each other.

    Tell me, what other super powers do you get when you get spiritualy reborninated?

    Like, before you did you would eat shellfish and love it, but after it would dicintegrate instantly if it ever got to you plate? Or, like, mixed fabrics would magically transform into a single fabric garment if you put it on because you had a spiritual rebirth and these laws are found in the same place in the bible as those icky gay people laws are?

    And all of your urges magically disappear like you never had them in the first place? Cause, that Christian gay conversion therapy has a really poor to nearly non-existent success rate.

    And, do you believe that God has a plan? Then everyone by default is living the life your God wants them to live REGARDLESS of said rebornination.

    See how silly that all seems. From the outside looking in your baseless and evidence less assertions really look absurd.


  12. He has the self-styled moral superiority of James Earl Carter without any concrete results to offset. He's mayor of a run down city which hasn't improved during his tenure. And he's a red diaper commie before mayordom or his Naval Reserve gig. His personal life just caps it.

  13. Whoever wrote the article knows little about Christianity. It's been around for thousands of years, and it's not going to be hurt by a candidate for president. Someone gives this loser more credit and power than he deserves. A Christian won't look twice at what he says (or vote for him).


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