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Thursday, November 07, 2019

Whistleblower attorney tweeted of Trump 'coup,' rebellion

The attorney representing the Ukraine whistleblower tweeted about starting a “coup” against President Trump that would end with his impeachment almost as soon as he took the oath of office.

Mark S. Zaid wrote on his certified Twitter account on Jan. 30, 2017, Mr. Trump’s 11th day in power, that “#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately. #lawyers.”

According to a report on Fox News, Mr. Zaid also repeatedly crowed about how “we” and the media will force Mr. Trump from office.



  1. Lock them all up for treason

  2. Lock them up for treason, convict them and hang them ala the Rosenbergs. ALL of them. Clinton’s, Obamas, Comey, Brennan, Podestas, Wasserman Schultz, then get Schiff and Pelosi for fraud, censure and impeach them for leaks,collusion and such. Where are Republicans demanding the DOJ do its job??

  3. You have to be a complete idiot to watch or trust CNN after this revelation. Does anyone else think this is treasonous?

  4. The whistle blower is irrelevant now. Get over it

  5. So there it is, trump has done nothing impeachable, we all knew it was a coup to start with after the Russian hoax. All democrooks are liars, cheaters, thieves and murderers

  6. Is not calling for a "coup" an act of treason? If I were to get on social media and call for a coup against the president I would have the FBI and Secret Service all over me in some interrogation room no one ever heard of or knows about!!

  7. Question Shifty Shiff under oath about his lies. That I would definitely watch.

  8. And there are still some things we don't know about Ukraine if we ever will. Still waiting to hear about that ship that sailed from Syria region and who was behind all that.


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