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Sunday, November 17, 2019

What’s Driving Unusually High Voter Turnout

American voters are motivated by a fever pitch.

That’s the message from last week’s elections.

The headlines were the Democratic sweep of the state legislature in Virginia that put the entire state government under Democrat control for the first time in 25 years and the defeat of incumbent Republican Gov. Matt Bevin in Kentucky.

An important part of the story is that voter turnout was off the charts.

In Kentucky, an estimated 43% of eligible voters turned out compared with 31% for the last gubernatorial election, in 2015.

Voter turnout in Virginia was the highest it has been for a state legislature-only election in at least the last 40-some years.

There’s a lot of noise in the political and cultural arenas in America today, and it’s exactly what I talk about in my new book, released this week, “Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Cultural War and Why This is Good News for America.”

A new Gallup poll measuring voter enthusiasm reports that 64% are “more enthusiastic” compared with previous elections, a percentage “among the highest Gallup has measured across presidential election years.”

It’s actually the highest ever measured because previous levels in this range were reported one to five months before upcoming election. Voter enthusiasm at this accelerated level one year before an election is unprecedented.



  1. Which is why Elizabeth Warren will be elected President and the Democrats will maintain a House majority and reclaim the Senate. 2020 will be the “Year of the Democrats”. Mark me on this. Just wait and see.

    1. You want socialism move to North Korea u fn traitor.

    2. Keep grasping for straws cupcake. America is rejecting socialisn, for now at least. Also there is a silent majority of conservatives ready to back president trump.

    3. North Korea is a dictatorship dopey. Atleast know enough to make your insults accurate

    4. 9:53 Then move to Venezuela

  2. Enthusiasm and common sense don't always go hand in hand.

  3. 9:53 clearly, just look at how lively Trump rallies are.


  5. Even the dead are showing up to vote Dem.

  6. Socialism, illegals, Democrats not passing bills Republicans have submitted, attempting to destroy Trump on lies and no facts. Democrats they stating they are following the "rule of law" but "hearsay" is not facts and not the "rule of Law".

  7. Same crap we heard about Clinton. She will be President. No way she could loose. They tried EVERYTHING to discourage voter's to come out and vote. Well they did. Thank GOD for President Trump 🙏🙏🙏.

  8. Oh, well those Demon-crats (criminals / traitors )
    are causing ALOT of Real American (Trump) turnout !!!!!

  9. Keep up the Witch-Hunts > It Only HELPS Trump !!!

  10. Even Hitler duped the Germans

  11. Trump is BEST POTUS ever !!! so Turn-out is GREAT / MAGA baby !!!!!!!

    We Real Americans taking America BACK Jack !!!

  12. We voters see who America's Enemys are > Democrats

    All on TV to see ......get your head out of the sand !!

  13. Real American's Determination to beat & defeat our internal
    Enemys !!! Just getting started baby !!! MAGA

  14. Republicans are losing some important local elections to make a difference in 2020. Trump needs to keep his mouth shut and let his staff speak out on his behalf. If he does not, Republicans will lose more elections. Just because Trump's rallies are impressive as far as the size of the crowds, that does not mean all who attend those rallies will vote. Republicans better do a better job at recruiting new voters and making sure they get to the polls to vote. And make sure they are educated with the facts of the dangers of socialism and communism. We must volunteer to work at the local level or we will lose to the millennials. They are clearly more motivated.

  15. America's Enemys the Demon-crats have just awakened

    the Sleeping Giant just like in WW2 !!!


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