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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Video shows police officer body-slamming man who allegedly spat in his face

The Chicago Police Department is investigating an officer who body-slammed a man who allegedly spat in his face.

Police said the incident happened after officers in an unmarked vehicle approached the 29-year-old man who was drinking alcohol at a bus station. The man became angry, verbally threatened and licked the officer’s face, then spat in his eyes and mouth, according to police.

Video shows the officer picking up the unidentified man and slamming him to the ground. The man hit his head on the curb and laid motionless on the ground.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: Sooo? What’s the problem and the point is? He showed more restraint than I would have under the circumstances. Although some cell camera video can not be refuted, much of it is easily misinterpreted by an ignorant public.

    1. Spit in ANYONES FACE it should be Attempted murder.

    2. You would have done nothing. You would have called the police. You so tough yet you have no criminal record? Somehow you managed to go through life shooting, punching, kicking, slamming, stabbing to anyone who pissed you off yet you have no criminal record and never served time HA. You would have done nothing but called the police.

  2. I would also SLAM HIM.

  3. Good job officer need more cops like you !

  4. Just suppose the guy that spit in the Officers face and mouth had aids or was hiv positive. Seem to me that would be a deadly assault. Just think what would you do. Things aren't always as they appear on the outside. How would you feel if the officer were your husband or soon and got aids from this incident. Then do you think what this Officer did was warranted. Always two sides to a story.

  5. If he spit in my face the next thing he would be spitting out would be what's left of his teeth.

  6. That cop now has to get shots in his belly x 6 months to prevent HEP C I would have SLAMMED HIM ALSO.

  7. Great, since that is assault and if they have a disease then it turns to attempted murder

  8. His next round of spit should have contained teeth.

  9. Note The woman’s language with a small child apparently in her vehicle. I think she also used the N word.
    Would like to hear the officer’s point of view.

  10. What? NO gun!!? That's would have been my first choice.

  11. Outstanding officer.

  12. Here's the problem, cheerleaders.

    If YOU do that to someone who spits in your face (body slamming someone and further, cracking his skull on the edge of a concrete curb, knocking him out and requiring an ambulance) YOU are going to jail. NOT "might" go to jail, but WILL go to jail.
    Might be charged with attempted murder.....and the prosecutor would not let up until you were broke and destitute. For the good of the people, of course.

    (not that he didn't DESERVE it, I'm just saying --- Two Sets of Laws.)
    Because one wears badge does not make one float above the rest of "we, the people" and the laws that are so strictly enforced upon them.
    Keep cheering.

  13. No issue as long as we are allowed to do the same to the police and anyone else without the consequences of the law being applied.

    1. Cops DON'T spit in people's faces Asshole

  14. I have to admit that my reaction would be very similar, if not more violent, just due to the initial immediate reaction to this type of disgusting assault. If someone, who may have a deadly disease unknown to the person being assaulted at the time and spits on someone else, it is an assault with a deadly weapon in my estimation and I would consider myself to be correct to defend myself. People better become aware that you too can be charged with assault with a deadly weapon (regardless of the instrument utilized such as car, stick, piece of paper, disease) if your intent is to harm another which could result in a deadly outcome and regardless if it is an immediate result or years down the road when the result is realized. I am not (and don't want to ever be) an attorney. But check how many people have been subsequently charged with homicide many years after an event which may have harmed the other party and that party finally dies years later due to the harm caused initially. I am 100% with the police officer who defended himself if that is what truly happened. Screw the scum criminal. Darwin is my hero and the great equalizer in a land where pussy liberals are abundant. Darwin is just slow getting to the the pussy liberals due his overwhelming workload at this time. So many liberals--so little time.

    1. I see a lot of football players going to prison in the future

  15. Why don’t the cell phone camera crews ever show the beginning of the incident...

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just suppose the guy that spit in the Officers face and mouth had aids or was hiv positive. Seem to me that would be a deadly assault. Just think what would you do. Things aren't always as they appear on the outside. How would you feel if the officer were your husband or soon and got aids from this incident. Then do you think what this Officer did was warranted. Always two sides to a story.

    November 30, 2019 at 3:39 PM

    A person can only transmit HIV through certain bodily fluids, including blood and semen. HIV is not present in other bodily fluids, such as saliva, ...

    How long has AIDS been around and you still do not know this?

  17. NO one deserves to be body-slammed like that for spitting on another, especially from a cop. You numb-nuts actually think that is a reasonable amount of force to make an arrest?

    Yeah, it's disgusting but what some of you don't realize is that each time you cheer on bad cops like this, you embolden them to do more crap like this. Until one day it happens to you. (spare me the 'I would never be in that situation, he shouldn't have done this or that' and whatever else you might use to justify this)

    The cop did that for personal satisfaction, plain and simple.

    The stupid cop is lucky he didn't kill him.

    1. I feel like you probably deserve it for trolling so much

  18. I'm down with the slam. I'll do that to anyone who dares do that to me.

  19. So what? I'm not a cop, matter of fact I've been to jail. If you spit in my face I'm busting your ass on site and I'm not stopping until I'm physically pulled from off you. I extend the same courtesy to law enforcement. That is a human being. Treat them with respect, the same you want in return.

  20. Suspended without police powers gun or pay. Leo officer is under going blood test for hepatitis.. per msm. We ALL no he will be criminally charged. Mayor has put the fix in. If he was a WHITE RICH DEMOCRAT nothing would happen to him. He would probably get a pay raise.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I feel like you probably deserve it for trolling so much

    November 30, 2019 at 11:14 PM

    and you would be wrong, as are so many when it comes to things like this.

    A cop is not a civilian, they are SUPPOSED to be held to higher standards, something most of you do not understand or have.

    Civilian or no, one can do whatever one feels but must also be prepared to deal with circumstances.

    Oh, and btw, having and voicing different/opposing opinions does not mean one is 'trolling'. But you probably don't understand that. Like so many others, you just want to silence those who are not in lock-step with you.

    Might does NOT mean right. Think about it.

  22. 5:37
    Thank you for typing it

    I was thinking it

  23. 5:37 nailed the essence of the question.

    The police, having the ability and right to KILL people ARE SUPPOSED to be trained to control their emotions and operate under stress.
    What I said was absolutely correct. "We, the people" are charged with attempted murder, felonious assault, etc., when we almost kill someone in anger.
    The police do these things EVERY DAY (remember the above noted "training and supposed "self control"??) and it's okay for them??
    A higher standard of behavior and action IS DEMANDED by "We, the people" from those who carry guns and enforce the law upon us.
    The police DO NOT get to act upon their anger because THEY have a badge. It might be eye-opening news for all you anonymous (lol) hard rocks, but the law applies to EVERYONE EQUALLY, at least, that's the theory.
    Yes, spit in my face and you will lose some teeth. And I will readily accept arrest for my actions.
    Who guards the guardians?

    Keep cheering, boys. You'll be sorry for it one day. Soon.

  24. Good!! The cop did the right thing.

  25. @5:37 Thought about it. I've come to the conclusion you're a soyboy fruit. He should have pulled out the nightstick and beat the guy unconscious.

  26. That response by the officer was overkill, to say the least. It can be viewed as brutality, if you consider the man was unarmed, and simply drunk. The cop(s) escalated the situation way beyond an investigation of public drinking. The officers can consider themselves lucky that the subject did not die.


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