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Saturday, November 30, 2019

US braced for flu outbreak: Four children and scores of adults have died, and sickness is sweeping the Deep South

Four children and scores more adults have died of the flu in the past two months, US health officials warn.

The CDC has not release a concrete figure on the number of adult deaths so far this season, but warns Americans to be braced for a severe outbreak of flu between Thanksgiving and May 2020.

Since September, adult deaths have been reported in Iowa, Texas, Arkansas, North Carolina, and California, including one person ahed 25 to 49 years old, one over the age of 50, and most over the age of 65.

Meanwhile, rates of people coming down with flu-like illness are soaring, particularly in the Deep South.



  1. Bottle of Irish whiskey, coffee to keep you awake lay under 5 blankets and turn the heat up in a small room to 94 for 2 days. Kills the flu.

  2. same story every year, same headline every flu season.
    it is so hard to tell fact from hysteria.

  3. How many of these victims had a flu shot and died from it?

  4. So what strain of flu is killing people and what strains are this year's flu shots supposed to work on?
    They never seem to be able to predict well enough to make the flu vaccine very reliable. That's the reason so many people just by-pass getting the shot if it's not going to work on this year's dominant strain.

  5. Common Sense...This time of year there is much sickness...To avoid; wash hands frequently, use wipes on all shopping carts and doors; keep hydrated with Lemon water or water; get plenty of sleep; take probiotics, a High Quality multi-vitamin and Vitamin C... Curb your sugar intake as sugar depletes your immune system greatly and make good food choices as much as possible. Hope this helps...Have a happy, healthy Holiday Season.

  6. I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

  7. Big Pharma wants to put poison directly into the bloodstream!

    Don’t trust Big Pharma

  8. I try to AVOID sick people and influenza in general.

    I’m definitely not going to let a nurse stick it into my arm!

    What is wrong with you people?


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