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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Unwavering: Nothing sways Trump voters

A surprise demographic emerged in the 2016 election, and that was the 65 million people who marched to the polls and voted for President Trump, to the surprise of many flabbergasted analysts and pollsters. Like flyover country, this demographic had been overlooked and underestimated at the time. But more importantly, they have not gone way, and neither has their enthusiasm.

“Trump supporters won’t be swayed — by anything,” declares a fact-based story by New York Post analyst Bob Fredericks.

“Sixty-two percent of people who approve of the job President Trump is doing say that there would be nothing the commander in chief could do to shake their support, according to a Monmouth University poll out Tuesday,” writes Mr. Fredericks.

More here


  1. Very definition of a cult.

    Will willfully ignore evidence contrary to their narrative.

    This is how entire populations become duped by their leadership.

    We MUST remain skeptical. We MUST hold our leaders to a standard and make them accountable. This isn't partisan... this is human.

  2. Well look who finally caught up. We all already knew there was a huge swath of voters who blindly follow politicians and political parties rather than putting country and FACTS first. This goes for folks on both sides of the aisle.

  3. I will be voting Biden 2020. This has to end

    1. You are a fool to vote for a communist. Don't give me any crap about ukraine when Biden admitted on national tv to holding up a billion dollars for ukraine antil the prosecutor investigating the gas company that his son is receiving an absurd amount of money for a man who probably don't know enough about gas to fuel his car. Then there is the whole Russian hoax. If you vote for Biden you are a communist

    2. Blah, blah. If I wanted false info or conspiracy theories I would’ve turned on hannity

    3. No theories here, I heard him say say it, see ya comrad

    4. Why in the world would anyone thinking correctly vote for a loser. A loser who will take your money (taxes). You will have Obama all over again. Market will tank; jobs will go away; illegal immigrants will take your doctors appointments. Get real!

    5. Biden won't even be relevant by election time!! It's people like you who will secure a Trump victory


  5. Man your telling me. I'm sick of a rich economy, unemployment at record lows. And I'm damn tired of these other countries respecting us again. That freaking stock market setting new highs is enough to make me jump out a window. And all my buddies in construction have more work now than they can keep up with. Buying new homes and cars, they're sick of it. Screw all this prosperity. Damn Trump. He's got alot of nerve cleaning up Obama's mess.

    1. 491, Are you sick of trillion dollar deficits? Saddling the next generation with worse prospects?

    2. All I hear is waah, waah, wash after Obama took us down the tubes for 11 trillion in 8 years more than doubling what 43 presidents did before him. At least trump is gonna be trillions below that communist sob

    3. The National debt is Obama's fault. Look it up! Just like student debt. Obama stated everyone should have a college degree - Did he say everyone will have a job after getting that degree - hell no! Get real people.

  6. 4:41 You can thank obammie for that! Giving away money like gummit cheese!

  7. Democrats claim to love our Country. The truth is, they HATE America. They have removed God from their Party. They HATE our American Flag. They HATE our brave Police and ICE Officers who guard and protect our Borders. They HATE our President. They want to turn our Great Country into a Socialist Nation, Shred our Constitution, Open our Borders, Eliminate our History, Destroy our Values and Poison the Minds the Next Generation. THE 2020 ELECTION WILL BE A VOTE FOR THE SOUL OF THIS COUNTRY!

  8. I like Trump, I like what he has for this country in the short 3 years he has had to fight uphill to get it done. Demoncrats have not done their job for at least 3 years and I don't hold my breath for them to start.

    Some people would rather this country suffer, themselves included, other than have Trump succeed. They are the true enemies/traitors to this country, and I wish there was some way to thin that herd.

    Get ready to cry some more after 2020 and you can howl at the sky again too.

    We should have elected a businessman instead of stinking politicians a long time ago. But let this become a lesson. Elect MORE businessmen like Trump in the future.

    We need millionaires and billionaires to become politicians, NOT politicians who become millionaires and billionaires after being elected.

  9. TRUMP will be the first president elected to a third term!!

    1. Democrats heads explodeNovember 10, 2019 at 12:32 PM

      Fourth, fifth sixth , ext, terms

    2. 701- you obviously don’t t know your history. Wow. Wow. FDR had four!!!!


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