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Saturday, November 30, 2019

‘Unacceptable’: Top Harris Aide Writes Scathing Resignation Letter

Only days after Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced her campaign would set its sights on Iowa at the expense of other early primary states, Kelly Mehlenbacher, the Iowa operations director for the Harris campaign, wrote a scathing letter of resignation, calling out the campaign for its poor treatment of staff and ineffective leadership.

“This is my third presidential campaign and I have never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly,” wrote Mehlenbacher in the resignation letter, according to The New York Times. “While I still believe that Senator Harris is the strongest candidate to win in the General Election in 2020, I no longer have confidence in our campaign or its leadership.”

“It is not acceptable to me that we encouraged people to move from Washington, DC to Baltimore only to lay them off with no notice, with no plan for the campaign, and without thoughtful consideration of the personal consequences to them or the consequences that their absence would have on the remaining staff,” continued Mehlenbacher. “It is unacceptable that we would lay off anyone that we hired only weeks earlier. It is unacceptable that with less than 90 days until lowa we still do not have a real plan to win.”

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  1. Would they all be willing to work for free? When the $$ run out and donors dry up it should be a sign that it's time for a reevaluation of the campaign and the candidate.

  2. Poor thing. She is just realizing the Harris Campaign isn't supposed to win (never was). It is distraction.

    US Elections are rigged from the ground up. Each Candidate understands his/her job. They read the scripts written for them. They get financial rewards.

  3. She is famous for saying Rich Old white men need to sit down and shut up. I guess until they are hiring and pay more then the Indian/Jamaican, Canadian raised, former slave owner ancestors, private school, private college, Congresswoman, lawyer, rich oppressed female does.


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