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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Trump: Time for Mexico to 'Wage WAR' on Drug Cartels

President Donald Trump on Tuesday accused Mexico of not doing enough to fight drug cartels, calling for the country “to wage war” in the wake of a deadly attack on a family of nine U.S. citizens in northern Mexico.

Three adult women and six children, all members of the LeBaron family that settled with a breakaway group of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the area decades ago, were killed in an attack just near the border. The incident, which was committed by unknown assailants, is still being investigated.

“This is the time for Mexico, with the help of the United States, to wage WAR on the drug cartels and wipe them off the face of the earth,” Trump tweeted. “We merely await a call from your great new president!”



  1. The cartels are crossing the border and firing on our LEOs.

    An act of war.

  2. So will this mean that our LEOs will be able to take these terrorists out when they come into the US? Like gloves off! LEOs know who they are and they come over all the time. No more probable cause if they know they are a member of one of the terrorist cartels. This will surely even the playing field. LEOs have always had to fight with one hand tied behind their backs.


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