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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Trump offers to help Mexico 'wipe' drug cartels 'off the face of the earth' after murder of Americans

President Trump offered U.S. military support to Mexico after a Mormon family with U.S. citizenship was massacred.

At least six American children and three women were killed when they were ambushed in northern Mexico on Monday, members of the LeBarón family said.

Trump tweeted Tuesday that the family “got caught between two vicious drug cartels, who were shooting at each other.”

“If Mexico needs or requests help in cleaning out these monsters, the United States stands ready, willing & able to get involved and do the job quickly and effectively,” Trump tweeted.



  1. Pelosi, Schumer and a number of others in Congress have their hands in the drug cookie jar.

    one reason they are so rich, and why Obama and Holder sold the Cartels weapons

  2. Trump bomb em now.

  3. Real leadership from a real American

  4. Mexico does need help. Maybe this would prevent illegal aliens as well.

  5. Mexico will never go for it. Too many politicians getting greased by the cartels. In Mexico and the US. Big business.

  6. That is a solution I would not have a problem with

  7. Maybe one or two small nukes Mr. POTUS?

  8. Agree; send in Delta, SEALS, Green Berets, Rangers, and clean that fertilizer up muy pronto!

  9. Annex Mexico and clean it up. Win win.

  10. HE could start by eliminating the export of weapons to Mexico

  11. Cause let me guess:

    "Nobody knows more about Mexican Drug Cartels than me. Everyone agrees, I'm so knowledgeable about drug cartels, Mexico. I really know, you know."

  12. Northwest Woodsman: Far better to conduct military operations in actual support of our country than waste those resources trying to force democracy on stone age people on the other side of the world. Think of just the logistical advantage alone. Fort Hood, Fort Bliss, Fort Huachuca and several other military installations are very close to the border and troops could almost come home on weekends! Since Mexicans have been steadily occupying our southwest regions, we could take all of that territory back and maybe even occupy some of the more viable and scenic areas of northern Mexico. Of course, that would destroy Marxist democrat plans for the incremental destruction of our country by way of illegal migration.

  13. Ask first. No compliance, invade next. Give them an ultimatum. Let us help get rid of the cartels or we will do it without your permission. They know where the cartel headquarters are. It's no secret. Go in and wipe them out and warn anyone else if they follow in their footsteps, bang, out go their lights. Drastic times deserve drastic measures.

  14. Tell the illegals they are going to be armed by the military and then be sent back in to Mexico to clean up their country and watch them migrate back in huge numbers.


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