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Saturday, November 09, 2019

Trump: Despite Democrats' impeachment investigation, 'we're kicking their ass'

President Trump claimed that his administration and the Republican Party are besting the Democrats despite the current impeachment investigation.

The president made the remarks while speaking to reporters on the South Lawn prior to his departure to Georgia on Friday morning.

"[People] really became angry because it’s a hoax," Trump stated. "And I’ll tell you, the whistleblower, I call him the fake whistleblower. He gave a fake report of my phone call. And when I did it, all of a sudden when I released that call, all of a sudden, everybody disappeared. The whistleblower disappeared. Whatever happened to the second whistleblower? Why isn’t the first whistleblower going to testify anymore? You know why? Because everything he wrote in that report almost was a lie because he made a phony phone call."


1 comment:

  1. It's good to have the opposite of our former do-nothing Prez.


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