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Friday, November 15, 2019

Trump Admin Will Fight European Mandate that Jewish-Made Goods Carry ‘Warning Labels’

The Trump administration is preparing to go toe-to-toe with the European Union over the latter's recent decision to mandate that Jewish-made goods produced in contested areas of Israel carry consumer warning labels, a decision critics have described as reminiscent of Nazi-era boycotts, according to senior U.S. officials who briefed the Washington Free Beacon.

The European Court of Justice affirmed on Tuesday new laws mandating that Jewish-made products originating in disputed territories be labeled as coming from "settlements" and "Israeli colonies." Observers viewed the decision as a major win for the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. The labels are not being applied to Palestinian goods produced in the same areas, a point emphasized by legal experts who described the decision as part of a larger global effort to de-legitimize Israel and penalize Jewish manufacturers.



  1. The Nazi-era boycotts were done by American Jews against German-made products. It was part of the pressure created against Germany in order to instigate WWII and establish Israel as a State, per the Balfour Declaration.

    Thank you

  2. Do the Europeans also advocate that the Jews wear a star on their clothing?

  3. @156 They should, but those in the know already identify them without the need for it.


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