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Monday, November 04, 2019

Top Dem struggles to explain why Clinton impeachment bad, Trump impeachment good

Rep. Eliot Engel, the Democratic chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, forcefully opposed the impeachment proceedings against former President Bill Clinton as futile -- but in an interview Sunday, he struggled to explain why the current inquiry against President Trump presents a meaningfully different situation.

Appearing on ABC News' "This Week," Engel, D-N.Y., who leads one of the four panels probing Trump, looked on stone-faced as anchor George Stephanopoulos showed Engel a clip of his 1998 argument against impeachment.

"No one believes that the president will ultimately be removed from office, so we will have dragged this country through a six-month trial in the Senate, and Bill Clinton will still remain president," Engel said in the clip. "What good does that do?"

"Aren't we facing a similar situation right now?" Stephanopoulos asked.

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  1. Coming from a Democrat from New York tells me all I need to know about this joker. He is in on the Frame-up of our President. Hope this all backfires in their face especially SCHIFF!!!!

  2. Clinton WAS Impeached by America's VOTERS 2016 !!!!


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