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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

‘They are PUBLIC GOODS’: AOC says she’s not just promising people ‘free stuff’

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unloaded on those who qualify her policy propositions as “free stuff.”

Ocasio-Cortez, the 30-year-old socialist New York representative elected to Congress last year, expressed her frustration with critics who write off her policies, such as tuition-free college, "Medicare for all," and expanding public housing, as “handouts” or “free stuff” to rope in voters.

“It’s not that we deserve it because it’s a handout. People like to say, ‘Oh, this is about free stuff.’ This is not about free stuff,” Ocasio-Cortes said at a Bronx town hall over the weekend.

The freshman Democrat claimed those in her party who believe in free-market orientated policies try to paint her policies in a negative light.



  1. AOC is full of crap; so ridiculously radical. Hooked on the kool ade.

  2. I have a rock out in front of my house with more brains than this nut...

  3. The Devils' FREE Stuff !!!!

  4. AOC it is free stuff. If you don't work and pay taxes or contribute anything monetarily but reap the benefits of free rent, free medical, free education, it is free stuff. You are not paying for it so it has to be "free stuff". Get real - you are in politics because you love the attention - you love the camera - money is better than a bartender in NY where competition is great.

  5. This so-called adult woman is dumber than a 5th grader

  6. It's called, Vote for me" free stuff. That's how the democrats control their voters. Modern slavery and those fools fall for it. Anything to keep from working.


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