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Thursday, November 14, 2019

The year the black vote switched: Will 2020 be 1936 in reverse?

In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt lost the black vote overwhelmingly, receiving just 21% support from black Americans in Chicago (there were no national polling organizations).

Such a loss was understandable, considering that the Democratic Party was the party of slavery and the party instigating segregation in the South. Moreover, the Democrats had made it clear that black Americans were unwelcome in the Democratic Party. In fact, Roosevelt, as undersecretary of the Navy, had actively assisted in President Woodrow Wilson's resegregation of the military.

Roosevelt had even used the n-word in personal correspondence. Or, as Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. put it generously, Roosevelt “was fairly conventional in his racial attitudes.” Not surprisingly, there had never been any black Americans serving as delegates or alternate delegates to the Democratic National Convention.



  1. SO, WHY do Blacks keep siding & voting with Demon-crats?

    Wake UP people !!!! Wake UP

    1. Unfortunately, it's because of all the Government handouts

      someone gets you pregnant....you get a monthly check over 400.00, EBT CARDS, GOVERNMENT HOUSING...

      some vote for their needs...

  2. Republican is the ONLY Party / Democrats are TRAITORS

  3. All the Good people who are Black need to vote Republican !
    Stop being fooled by the Demon-crats !!! Enough

    Don't forget Who the KKK were , it was Them !!! Fact

  4. I’ll be voting for Trump #walkaway

  5. Remember > KKK = Democrats Don't ever Forget !!!

  6. KKK has been Disrobed 2019

    Found in those Hoods were : Pelosi /Schiff / Schumer/

    Adler / Hillary / Clapper / Comey / & ALL other Democrats

  7. BLACKS >> WAKE UP They are Your Opressors Not the

    Republicans !!!! Learn some History !!!

    THEY were your Slave owners & KKK for years !!! Fact

  8. MAGA Vote REPUBLICAN for TRUMP !!! 2020

  9. Don't let the Demon-crats divide & conquer America anymore !!
    Blacks & Whites need to stick together & Keep Trump IN !!!

    We all can see Right from Wrong > get Dirty Dems OUT !!!

    They are NOT above the Law !!! Clean up the SWAMP !!!

  10. A vote for Trump in 2020 is a vote for US incl YOU !!!

    He has Proven his track record for America , what more
    proof do you need ??

    Not Rocket Science !!!


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