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Thursday, November 07, 2019

The Democratic plan for a 42% national sales tax

If you’re a Democrat who supports “Medicare for All,” pick your poison. You can ruin your political career and immolate your party by imposing a ruinous new sales tax, a gargantuan income tax hike or a surtax on corporate income that would wreck thousands of businesses.

This is the cost of bold plans.

Supporters of Medicare for All, the huge, single-payer government health plan backed by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and several other Democratic presidential candidates, say it’s time to think big and move to a health plan that covers everyone. Getting there is a bit tricky, however. A variety of analyses estimate that Medicare for All would require at least $3 trillion in new spending. That’s about as much tax revenue as the government brings in now. So if paid for through new taxes, federal taxation would have to roughly double.



  1. Out of their everlasting minds! Where we get that kind of money just for starters?

  2. I say again, Democrats do not understand or know how to legislate.

  3. as long as I can watch my football game on Sunday while drinking beer and eating chips....

    who cares what the politicians do ?

    1. Wow, if that's how you feel why do you even follow this blog.

    2. When you can't afford cable and beer you will!

    3. Add 42% to the cost of your beer, cable or satellite provider and to the cost of your chips,dip and electric...what are you going to give up for that Sunday football Tuesday and Thursday dinner? Gas will go up to about $5/gal at today's market price!

  4. 6:36 pm - You better worry about what politicians do when it comes to taking taxes out of your money. You will not be able to watch football on Sunday, drink beer and eat chips because you will not be able to afford the beer alone. JUST SAYING!!!

  5. You will care when they take your beer money and your cable money and give it to illegal immigrants just because they can. It is time for you to take a stand. Keep your beer money safe - vote Trump - please 🤔😁☝️

  6. 42% to make the government even larger.

  7. 6:36

    The ultimate goal of course will be 100% tax but everything will be provided for you.

    You will be assigned a job. Be allowed 4 chips on Sunday. You will be rationed 1 quart of beer per month. And you will be watching TV at the community center. The show will not be football, it will be instructional videos on how to be a better citizen.

  8. They will tax us like they do the Cigarette Tax. My mother is addicted to Cigarettes and has tried but cannot quit. She is now 85 so at this late stage of life, I don't see her changing. She pays over a hundred each month for a carton of generic cigarettes. I see them doing the same for a snack tax they will try to impose. I would say most of the processed foods in the supermarket would be taxed in this way. I predict that those who have the means will have a black market for these goods and services in the future to counteract this tax that the Democrats will eventually try for force down our throats in the name of "Healthcare" for all!

  9. We have got to stop these leeches and the only way to do it is to vote Republican.


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