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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Teachers Strive to Ensure Students ‘Unlearn’ Thanksgiving ‘Myth’

Teachers across America are striving to have their students “unlearn” what progressive activists say is nothing more than a “feel-good” Thanksgiving “myth.”

“Thanksgiving became a national holiday during the administration of President Abraham Lincoln, and the myth of familial relations between colonial settlers and Native Americans has persisted in American culture ever since,” says Education Week:



  1. White liberals want to undermine America because America stops other countries from enslaving it’s people

  2. Teacher's getting beat up by students and parents. Kids can't graduate. H S. Students read, write at a 4th grade level. UNQUALIFIED teacher's still employed. Teacher's again teaching Social justice. Teacher's ALWAYS crying they don't get paid enough. But they do NOTHING about these asinine issues.

  3. Yep, it’s just terrible for kids to learn that people of different cultures get along and respect each other (obvious sarcasm)

  4. Waa waa waaa, now you are mad because they want to teach real history. I guess you should be threatened by the unmasking of the white washed crud history lessons. Get a clue people; we have a rich and interesting history in the US that shows exactly how people coming together from across the globe have created something great. If you are mad at this story being told, do us a favor and stay in your trailer to yourself.

    1. The diversity myth is a proven failure it’s Unity that creates success go back to the low IQ third world hole of your ancestry

  5. God forbid that we actually teach kids the truth, and respect the nations that originally inhabited these Americas. Better to pump their brains full of propaganda that isn't historically accurate at all.

    Cause that's whats better for kids.

    Last I checked teaching with historical accuracy didn't have a political skew.

  6. 7:35 AM-- go to hell.

    You know full well this isn't about teaching the "subtleties" and "nuances" of American history. Yes, I agree with you- what we get taught in school is frequently the "nice" version of often unpleasant events. First of all, this is school, not a graduate level course where you can take a deep dive into every minute detail of history, so you'll have to excuse Johnny second grader if he just wants to make a paper pilgrim hat and a hand print turkey.

    Second- go to hell. This is all about some self righteous social justice warrior teachers virtue signaling about how much they care and how not racist they are. Most teachers are uneducated morons these days. They care more about who Drake is dating or what insipid pop star said on TMZ about some other vapid pop star than expressing the nuances of complex history.

    Pull your kids out of school NOW!

  7. 8:11 Wow...you amaze me..."Last I checked teaching with historical accuracy didn't have a political skew." Teaching with historical accuracy hasn't been required for MANY years. Most Public Schools don't bother to teach history anymore...and IF they do it definitely is NOT historically correct; not even close. Why do you think we have such illiterate, ignorant young adults today???
    Public School Indoctrination; just like the Hitler youth of Germany...America comes in 15 worldwide in 'education'...no wonder.

  8. This truth teaching is fine as long as it teaches all the truth.
    The American Indian Holocaust, The truth how Lincoln was a Racist, The truth about MLK jr. cheating in college, screwing anything in a skirt, and enjoying watching rape, The truth about John Kennedy having a revolving bedroom door at the Whitehouse and all his women he screwed, The truth about Bill Clinton and his affairs, ect.

  9. Students and parents should have a choice


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