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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Solicitor: Baltimore will consider suing gun manufacturers, if Sandy Hook suits succeed

BALTIMORE (WBFF) – Baltimore City Solicitor Andre Davis said the city will consider suing gun manufacturers if lawsuits related to the Sandy Hook shooting are successful.

The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled Sandy Hook families can pursue legal action against Remington Arms.

Councilman Zeke Cohen brought up the matter at Tuesday’s city council hearing asking Davis what the city is doing to hold gun manufacturers accountable now.

Solicitor Davis told Cohen every city in America is monitoring what's happening with the Sandy Hook lawsuits.



  1. Baltimore should sue BLM, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the Democrats. They are the ones who have been perpetuating the myth that blacks are inferior and that the white man is out to get them. They and their organizations have been keeping black folks down for decades. Their reason is to keep themselves in power. They ruined the chance for for viable black families that have both a mother and a father. Now that they are reaping what they have sewn they want to blame gun manufacturers. Sad when you look at it.

  2. It's going nowhere. If it does then you would have to prepare for car manufacturers sued for building cars with greater than say 65mp speed that resulted in collision deaths and alcohol related deaths to breweries. It's all for show and to silence criticism of the Sandy Hook psyop by giving an appearance of legitimacy to the fraud.

  3. Anything to get more money to line their pockets.

  4. and might be less painful for political careers if resources can be acquired without more taxes

  5. Well guess that means Drug Manufacturers are fair game too then

  6. And I will quit paying taxes. Screw maryland. All cash under the table

  7. I know damn well, if anyone can sue a gun manufacture for a mentally stupid deranged person who is hell bent on killing someone, We sure as hell can sue any politicians for any laws they pass that got someone killed, like the RED FLAG LAWS and the like...

  8. So along this thought process people could sue fork and spoon manufacturing companies because their products help them get overweight...

  9. SCOTUS allowed the suit to proceed, because they know it will eventually end up in their court, where it will be heard, and ruled unconstitutional. And that will be settled law, once and for all. Not allowing the suit to move forward would just allow others to try to sue the gun manufacturers. Baltimore should be worried about Maryland's unconstitutional restrictive concealed carry law, that the court is going to eventually rule on. That case will go the same way as the DC case for concealed carry.

    1. yes, very true

      all these anti gunners will loose in the long run


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