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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sheriff Who Frees Illegal Alien Convicted of Child Sex Crimes Says Enforcing Immigration Law Not Part of His Duties

In what appears to be a growing national trend, another elected law enforcement official released an illegal immigrant with a serious criminal conviction—in this case child sex offenses—rather than turn him over to federal authorities for removal. Sanctuary policies ban local law enforcement from honoring Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers placed on illegal aliens who have been arrested on local criminal charges. If the detainer is honored ICE takes custody and deports the criminal rather than release him or her back into the community. When law enforcement agencies fail to honor immigration detainers and free serious criminal offenders, it undermines the federal government’s duty to protect public safety.

This latest case comes out of Buncombe County, North Carolina where the recently elected sheriff, a Democrat, issued a policy earlier this year refusing to cooperate with ICE when it comes to inmates at his 608-bed jail who are in the country illegally. At the time the sheriff, Quentin Miller, proclaimed that enforcing immigration laws is not part of his agency’s duties. Miller also said that “it is vital that members of our immigrant community can call the sheriff’s office without fear when they are in need of assistance from law enforcement.”

Hiding behind that popular open borders rhetoric, the sheriff recently discharged a child sex offender to keep with his county’s sanctuary policy of protecting illegal aliens, even those with atrocious criminal records. The illegal immigrant from El Salvador, Marvin Ramirez Torres, has been on ICE’s radar since 2017 when he got arrested and charged with four felony counts of statutory sex offense with a child. At the time Torres was 23 and his victim was an 11-year-old girl, according to a local newspaper report that also states Torres must register a sex offender for 30 years. The illegal alien was convicted in North Carolina Superior Court for Buncombe County and was sentenced to less than two years in prison. Last week he was freed into the community because the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office refused to honor the federal detainer.



  1. Charge that man with aiding and abetting, see how many more people try it.

    1. This sheriff like others which do the same are immune from aiding and abetting charges. Even if the law or others apply to them. They should be charged and if nothing else forced to pay for their defense. I am sure his oath states he will only enforce those local,state and federal laws he agrees with. And if he was not hired to enforce federal laws he needs to ignore all of them or sue him for discrimination!

  2. Well, does the sheriff have children? If so what will the sheriff's reaction be if Mr. Torres plays with one of them? Will he be outraged then? Will he change his posture about protecting these illegals? I think this is what it is going to take for the liberal left to smell the coffee.

  3. If it were you or me, would we have been released ?

  4. Simple enough, elect another sheriff next election. Harrass the sob and his family, he is a communist

  5. Well it needs to be made a part of every sheriffs duties then when they are sworn in. This is positively ridiculous.

  6. Maybe if we the people held these law enforcement officers accountable to their oath of office to uphold the laws that have already been enacted started to arrest these LEOs as accomplices to the crimes being committed by these illegal aliens there would be a major change in attitudes.

  7. So they won't cooperate with ICE. I bet if the person was a legal citizen and another department ask them to hold them because they had broken a law somewhere else they would have no problem holding them. What this Sheriff is saying is that he will ONLY hold legal citizens for breaking the law NOT illegals. Sent him packing.

    1. Only if they are a Republican.

  8. They elected this dude, didn't they?

    The get what they chose.

  9. Soros has a lot of $$$$$ , can't you see he's spreading it around.

  10. That sheriff should be fired loose all benefits and should be tried and convicted.

  11. Well I would like to know from that half wit Sheriff what he thinks his duties are?? So if you are an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT you can commit crimes, be locked up and then set free, commit more crimes, be set free but the citizens of the U.S. have to abide by the U.S. laws. SOMEBODY NEEDS TO CHARGE HIM FOR AIDING AND ABETTING IMMIGRANTS. What a poor excuse for a law enforcement officer.

  12. Serve & protect, Did you do that job sir when you let him out ???

    You need to be fired !

  13. He SWORE to hold up the Constitution.

  14. He is so wrong, he should be arrested and all victims should sue him and the county.

  15. Not part of your duties. Do something about it Smuck!

  16. I've read all these comments.do you suppose that idiot sheriff has?


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