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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sen. Chris Coons: ‘I Don’t Think There Will Be the Votes’ in Senate on Impeachment

Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) told reporters this week that he doesn’t believe the Senate will convict President Donald Trump if impeachment moves to the upper Congressional chamber.

“From what I’ve heard publicly and privately, I don’t think there will be the votes to remove him if this does come to an impeachment trial in the Senate,” he told CNN. “As a senator, the pledge I’m going to take is to weigh all the evidence in front of me,” Coons added.

“I think the challenge now over this Thanksgiving break is for Republican House members and senators to reflect on what role they want to play in this. Whether they want to simply follow the polls and think about what’s perhaps in their best interest at the next election, or think about history and what precedent we’re setting,” Coons remarked.



  1. The haven’t proven a crime occurred , Democrats are being funded by China who want Trump removed because he’s killing their economy

  2. When it goes to the senate hope they haul in every democrat and grill them for months.

  3. What a dope , he said alot of words . Huh ?

  4. This jack donkey is the problem, swamp if you will say it. Civil war is sounding good.

  5. COONS is a BIDEN water boy suck up .

  6. Coons doen't think there will be enough votes!!!! Really? He only needs two thirds of the senate to convict, and the democrats only control less than one half of the senate. Coons, make that, you KNOW there will not be enough votes to convict. But if it gets to the senate, you can bet that Coons will vote, lock step, to convict. Delaware deserves better, but they voters are too uneducated to keep from being hornswaggled by the democrats.


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