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Sunday, November 17, 2019

San Francisco’s New DA: Public Urination ‘Will Not Be Prosecuted’

San Francisco’s pee problem could soon get worse.

Chesa Boudin, the urine-and-feces-plagued city’s incoming district attorney, pledged during the campaign not to prosecute public urination and other quality-of-life crimes if he was elected. Boudin declared victory Saturday night after results showed him winning a plurality of votes in the DA race.

“We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted,” Boudin vowed in response to an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) questionnaire during the campaign.



  1. I couldn't agree more. I believe in doing that on SF also.

  2. bout time - bunch of a$$ wipes ... disgusting

  3. Good, then everybody go piss on his front door step. I'm a good climber, so I'll piss down his chimney.

  4. Did they forget who votes? Hopefully the homeless & bums outnumber the useful idiots, so they get what they deserve....An open toilet

  5. Did they forget who votes? Hopefully the homeless & bums outnumber the useful idiots, so they get what they deserve....An open toilet

  6. Prostitution is legal?

  7. And just like that, he made prostitution a non-crime. I thought prosecutors had to take a oath to uphold and prosecute the laws of his jurisdiction. Boy did Obama open a pandora's box when he said he wouldn't enforce laws that he THOUGHT were unconstitutional or racist, or unfair. Didn't matter they were laws passed by congress. He LIED when he took the oath of office and swore on a Quran.

  8. The elites can’t see it from their house no problem.

  9. Our cities are being run down by foreign voter interference namely George Soros.

  10. How different is it than the people that go in their diapers shuffling around the Dollar Store, Wal-Mart, Cracker Barrel and Chick-Fil-A ? Pissing in your pants or pissing in public both stink and are objectionable. Plant more bushes.

  11. I so wish I had the money to travel there. I'd wave my junk at every man and woman I could find, just to piss them off, so maybe they'd learn not to vote in idiots.

  12. Who said liberals are sane?

  13. Liberals have mental health issues; no doubt...and I'm NOT talking about the homeless.

  14. Everyone needs to go and water Nancy Pelosi's place then. I bet she puts and end to it in short order!

  15. Ok so in San Francisco you can urinate or take a squat anywhere you want. But don't you dare eat a sandwich on the bart platform or you will be arrested. Makes perfect sense to me.

  16. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry but I wouldn’t piss on a Marxist democrat if their hair were on fire.

  17. Last I checked it was a DA's job to prosecute and enforce existing laws, not make them.


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