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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Salisbury MSP Press Release 11-10-19 (SVC/DUI Arrest)


  1. Northwest Woodsman: Imagine, a Mexican driving under the influence. How predictable. Although, I must admit, it appears that there are numerous incidents of DUI in your area and not all are minorities.

    1. He will run back to MEXICO, and return later to avoid court

  2. Another illegal alien who has infiltrated our area and trying to kill our citizens.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Northwest Woodsman: Imagine, a Mexican driving under the influence. How predictable. Although, I must admit, it appears that there are numerous incidents of DUI in your area and not all are minorities.

    November 10, 2019 at 11:25 AM

    The problem with your statement is you failed to recognize that the majority of DUI's are committed by the illegals, percentage-wise.

  4. Shame on Maryland for not sending illegal immigrants who commit crimes back to their country of origin.

    1. Maryland corrupt Democrats get votes in Maryland with illegals going to vote for em

      your tax dollars at work

  5. Not very smart to run into a cop, is it?

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry 12:23 but I was being sarcastic. I am aware that driving under the influence is Mexico’s national pastime. As is sexual molestation and wife beating. My other point is that it appears there are a significant number of DUI drivers that are not minorities. Percentage wise, the minorities win hands down. I sometimes use sarcasm as a way to get my point across and not have my comments dumped because I’m totally insensitive to minorities. Unfortunately many of the problems that exist in this country from gun violence to mis information, fake news and liberal political indoctrination all can be laid in the laps of four distinct minority groups. If we could somehow remove them from our society, you could eliminate about 80% of our courts and police.

  7. I was 12 when I got my first dui.Thank god it was a cop who had a sense of humor,because my 13 year old friend talked him out of arresting me.Honest to God that happened.Shell Road,Delmar Md,1966.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Not very smart to run into a cop, is it?

    November 10, 2019 at 2:54 PM

    What TF are you talking about??


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