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Saturday, November 02, 2019

Rush Mocks Alleged Whistleblower, ‘Leaker’: ‘Pajama Boy in the Obama Ad’

Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh mocked Eric Ciaramella, whom Real Clear Investigations suggests is likely the so-called Trump-Ukraine “whistleblower,” calling the CIA analyst a “leaker” who resembles the “pajama boy” featured in a 2013 ad promoting Obamacare enrollment.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: This whistleblower… He’s not a whistleblower! This is another thing. This guy’s a leaker! He’s not a whistleblower! His name is Eric Ciaramella. He’s 30-some-odd-years- old. I’ve got a picture. It looks like the Pajama Boy in the Obama ad that they ran back during, I think, the first term.

“Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House…” Why the hell was he still there? What do you mean, “held over”? This guy… I’ve probably seen this guy there. I’ve been to the Oval Office two or three times since Trump’s been president. I’ve been in the West Wing. I’ve probably seen this guy slithering around. It never even registered. Next time I go, I’m gonna keep a sharp eye for people I think might be John Brennan holdover plants, ’cause they’re obviously slithering all over the place.



  1. I never saw this guy when I went to the White House.

    1. Duh.. the White House is 55,000 sq.feet..132 rooms..why would you think you'd see one particular person, especially one you had no idea existed?

    2. I did. I was giving self defense training to the protection detail.

    3. You're funny too 545, but you're still my hero

  2. He works in the Pentagon. That's why.

  3. 4:33 Where you in the basement? A tourist that never saw the real White House😂. I've been to the WH - who hasn't been on the tour. Except Obama did stop taxpayers from touring the WH. What was he hiding?


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