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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ron Paul Exposes The Real Bombshell Of The Impeachment Hearings

The most shocking thing about the House impeachment hearings to this point is not a “smoking gun” witness providing irrefutable evidence of quid pro quo. It’s not that President Trump may or may not have asked the Ukrainians to look into business deals between then-Vice President Biden’s son and a Ukrainian oligarch.

The most shocking thing to come out of the hearings thus far is confirmation that no matter who is elected President of the United States, the permanent government will not allow a change in our aggressive interventionist foreign policy, particularly when it comes to Russia.

Even more shocking is that neither Republicans nor Democrats are bothered in the slightest!

Take Lt. Colonel Vindman, who earned high praise in the mainstream media. He did not come forth with first-hand evidence that President Trump had committed any “high crimes” or “misdemeanors.” He brought a complaint against the President because he was worried that Trump was shifting US policy away from providing offensive weapons to the Ukrainian government!



  1. Thanks for posting this,but none of those reading this have any ability to change things.

  2. Did you notice today on the libby fake news sites there is no front page stories about impeachment ?

  3. I was shocked by how many people spoke about the intra agency committee as if they, not the president, set foreign policy.

  4. The permanent government.
    The Deep state.

    They are the employees of the richest people on the planet. They do what they are told to do. Then the papers and newsrooms tell the people what they are instructed to tell them.

    It is a rigged game. A drama. A scripted reality. Created in Langley for the benefit of the elite.

  5. And now Trump is accusing the Military of being a part of the deep state.


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