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Saturday, November 16, 2019

Public Educational Initiative In Arizona Instills Far-Left, ‘Social Justice’ Values

As The Daily Wire’s Hank Berrien reported, a far-left public educational initiative called Deep Equity is being increasingly adopted across the country.

As described by Corwin, an educational training initiative umbrella organization that describes itself as “aimed at producing real school improvement for equity and social justice,” Deep Equity “is a comprehensive and systemic professional development process aimed at producing the deep personal, professional, and organizational transformations that are necessary to create equitable places of learning for all of our nation’s children.”

Using unmistakable leftist language, the program “addresses the dynamics of power and privilege in a safe, engaging, and inspiring environment in which all educators are honored and valued as professionals,” as further described by Corwin.

The Daily Wire also quoted Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s highlighting of the Deep Equity program on his platform. Carlson described Deep Equity as follows:

Read more here


  1. Schools will continue to fail our youth instill we purge the communists and their teachings. Home school your children if you love them, or a mandated tyranny will

  2. Ah the ol' Social Communist in another attempt to brainwash the young minds while they are still developing... God save us all. Because a prayer is all we may have ?


  3. People need to realize that the educational system in the US is the heart of the problem. If you care about this, you had better help find good conservative candidates for the school boards, or even run yourself.

    If we don't get control of this, the country will soon go swirling down the drain.

  4. Glenn Beck is exposing this Democrat Hydra - pay attention if you dare!


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