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Sunday, November 03, 2019

President Donald J. Trump addresses the nation. 10-27-19


  1. He was dying to say he died
    Screaming and crying................like a little BITCH

  2. He was crying like a Dem B... H

  3. He was sent to BACON HELL let's see how CNN spins it.

  4. He'd been smarter to leave OIL out of it. We are no longer Middle East Oil dependent that was a pitch to appease Globalists with vested interests .

    1. Isis gets their money from oil. That’s why we were their. Awfully hard to run a terror group on credit or a title loan. Trump doesn’t care about globalist obviously.

  5. CNN was crying that Trump was spiking the ball making the terrorists feel bad

  6. It’s a good day... Trump kills ISIS and the pro Jake Day blog is officially belly up

    1. Jake Day has been seen wearing Captain rank on his part time weekend warrior uniform

      someone contacted his commander about his OUT OF UNIFORM standards and fictitious rank

  7. A win for the country and the world. Despise Donald Trump but loved every minute of his press conference.

    1. I bet Trump not a fan 9f yours either. But I bet you enjoy and reap his policies.

  8. Bag DADDY is in the Bag !!!! LOL LOL

  9. To quote Trump on Obama killing Bin Laden "Stop congratulating Obama for killing Bin Laden. The Navy Seals killed Bin Laden."

  10. And Trump called Russia before he notified Congress

    1. Yes idiot. Russian has operations there. What's funnyhe didn't tell Pelsoi because he was sure it (operation) would be leaked by her and US military soldiers would have died. Go Me President. You need to take credit. Obama had nothing else to brag about but you sure do.

    2. It was their airspace

  11. Pelosi would have called the 9th circuit judge to STOP the
    operation !!! and Nothing would have gotton done !!!

    She & her co-conspirators are also America's ENEMY so
    why would Trump tell her or them Anything ?? LOL LOL

    She would have also called her Fake news to attack Trump !!

  12. Tell Congress??? Schiff would have been first in line for the tip-off!

    Thank you Mr. President, for your leadership.

  13. Tell Congress? Seriously? "The sqaud" would have had it all over twitter within minutes.

  14. Len Foxwell said...
    A win for the country and the world. Despise Donald Trump but loved every minute of his press conference.

    October 27, 2019 at 4:13 PM

    Guess what Lennie!! We don't like you either. Do you ever get tired of masquerading as a straight man?

  15. Anonymous Len Foxwell said...
    A win for the country and the world. Despise Donald Trump but loved every minute of his press conference.

    October 27, 2019 at 4:13 PM

    There's hope for you yet.

  16. Anonymous Tattletale said...
    Jake Day has been seen wearing Captain rank on his part time weekend warrior uniform

    someone contacted his commander about his OUT OF UNIFORM standards and fictitious rank

    October 27, 2019 at 2:21 PM

    Who cares really? Cops in the guard and abusing everything they touch. Lord Bless them if they ever have to go in harm's way but, eh.

  17. Anonymous Tattletale said...
    Jake Day has been seen wearing Captain rank on his part time weekend warrior uniform

    someone contacted his commander about his OUT OF UNIFORM standards and fictitious rank

    October 27, 2019 at 2:21 PM

    I believe Jake Day is a captain.


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