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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Pollsters: Trump expanding base with 'economically vulnerable' voters, impeachment critics

Impeachment is a virtual lock. His approval ratings are stuck in the mid-40s. And 2016 popular vote winner Hillary Rodham Clinton is toying with a repeat run for president.

So why is President Trump and the Trump-Pence campaign feeling confident of a 2020 reelection?

Because, according to pollsters, insiders, and election experts, Trump is expanding his base of Republican and conservative supporters to include more independents and minorities and attracting voters who are angry at Washington but who skipped the 2016 election.

“Everybody is doing incredibly well. The poll numbers are looking great, and the economy is doing wonderfully, and we’re executing our agenda successfully to bring the change that people voted for, and we are supremely confident,” said senior White House policy adviser Stephen Miller.



  1. Dems always cheat lie and steal..they are doomed to further humiliation and defeat..

    1. And murder...over million babies a year

  2. Correction:

    This will be the first run for Hillary #3.

    Hillary #1 (original) died on Sept 11, 2016.
    Hillary #2 was rejected by the public when she appeared on the NY sidewalk outside Chelsea’s apartment the day of Hillary #1’s death.

    Hillary #3 is younger and prettier than Original. But she will read the script well and is trained to act Presidential.

    It will be fascinating to watch!

  3. I haven’t taken a poll in three years because I don’t trust them. How many others are out there waiting to vote for Trump, not listening to MSM and rejecting the swamp!

  4. I hope she runs, I would love to see her lose again.

  5. 825
    Like the other guy wrote, this will be her first time to run. She will use the name, Hillary.


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