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Friday, November 29, 2019

Political Memes


  1. Why is Bernie trying to turn the U.S. into Sweden or Venezuela? If socialism is so great why is he still here living like a capitalist? He is rich and owns three homes. Hypocrite???

  2. My only question is why the picture about Epstein? Why does anybody care? If it was suicide or murder I for one could not care less, and am just happy no-one else will be raped. He bought everyone off for years when he was free, and he bought the staff of the jail off. He had no credibility to a jury as he was only a rapist/ human trafficker so who would listen to anything he said? Plus anybody who worked in law enforcement knows a criminal will say anything to get out of time, and make up anything just to waste time, and play games. If he was murdered, I say give the killer a medal. Don't investigate. Investigate the prison staff for corruption. He deserved to die.

    1. I agree about not caring about epstein. However the clintons need to be incarcerated or they will keep killing. If not the clintons it will be another high profile person who will keep killing. We pretty much know he was murdered

  3. Multiple stabbings on the LONDON BRIDGE.

  4. Epstein's manner of death is still important in the search for truth.

  5. Best prank ever? Fake pregnancy test kits. All positives. Just think of the panic 1/2 of the takers would have. Priceless.


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