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Wednesday, November 06, 2019

NYC Police Commissioner Resigns As The State Preps To Free Hundreds Of Inmates

New York City Police Commissioner James O’Neill is stepping down, he said during a press conference Monday.

O’Neill, 61, will be taking a job in the private sector and New York City Police Department Chief of Detectives Dermot Shea will take over as police commissioner in December, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced, according to ABC News. De Blasio praised O’Neill for “working tirelessly to bring police and communities together.” He began as police commissioner in September 2016.

O’Neill’s “one mission” while police commissioner was “to fight crime and keep everybody safe,” the commissioner said during Monday’s press conference. His successor has been on the force for 28 years and will work to “end the scourge of gun and gang violence,” de Blasio, a Democrat, said.



  1. Just couldn’t take the big goofus de Blasio any more.

  2. Blasio is lying his lips are moving

  3. Why in God’s name would anyone want to be a police officer???

  4. Northwest Woodsman: And I was convinced that all top leadership positions in law enforcement were reserved for blacks. I can’t recall seeing any white chiefs of police in any major cities. Baltimore and Chicago for example.


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