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Thursday, November 21, 2019

NSC Superiors Voiced Serious Concerns About Alexander Vindman’s Judgment

National Security Council supervisors and colleagues raised concerns about Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman’s judgment on multiple occasions, according to testimony Tuesday from former National Security Director of Russia and European affairs Tim Morrison.

Morrison said his predecessor Dr. Fiona Hill and other staff at the NSC had raised concerns about Vindman’s judgment, as well as Deputy Senior Director for Europe John Erath.

A full range of Morrison’s concerns were not discussed, as his counsel asked him only to respond on issues with Vindman regarding Ukraine and the current case.

But Morrison did acknowledge that Vindman had a problem with working outside the chain of command.

Vindman, Morrison recalled, also expressed frustrations that he was not included on the Ukraine trip and on other conversations with ambassadors.

During Morrison’s transition into the NSC, he detailed what predecessor Dr. Hill told him about Vindman.


  1. Bottom line the elite posh Harvard graduates in position of power working for government assigned to Ukraine absolutely would not tolerate Rudy on the ground asking questions. After watching today’s show that is more clear then ever. Make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT The President will be formally impeached. They are typing the letters now. Republicans will fall apart but at the end they will kick it out. The President needs to have his daughter, son an most trusted staff interview EVERY embassy official and director. 10 a day for 6 months if need be. Polygraphs are a MUST. These people are SICK and they believe their own policy is best not what Trump ran on. I hope Homes gets reassigned.

  2. The guy was offered the defense ministry job for Ukraine. TWICE. HES ANOTHER FREAKING TRAITOR IN OUR GOVERNMENT. PERIOD.

    1. Please justify your statement.

    2. Ukraine offered him the job. Twice. He turned it down. He said.

  3. He also needs to be locked up. He digraces the uniform. He went against his commander in chief his president his supeior.UMCJ..LOCK HIM up .IN wartime he'd be shot

  4. Just another Schifty Schiff plant.


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