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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

New York files appeal to resurrect tax CUT for the wealthy

New York and three other high-tax states announced Tuesday that they will appeal a federal court ruling that struck down their creative attempts to frustrate the 2017 GOP tax overhaul.

The states — including Maryland, Connecticut and New Jersey — had sought to come up with workarounds that would let their wealthiest taxpayers continue to claim a deduction on federal forms for taxes paid to their states and localities. But the IRS said their workarounds were a sham, and a federal court sided with the tax agency.

New York, which says its taxpayers stand to owe $100 billion more to Uncle Sam “in the years ahead” because of the changes, said it won’t go down without a fight.

“New York is already the nation’s leader in sending more tax dollars to Washington than we get back every year, and we will not allow this administration to pick the pockets of hardworking New Yorkers to fund tax cuts for corporations and send even more money to red states,” said Gov. Andrew Cuomo.


Flashback: Andrew Cuomo complains about tax breaks for wealthy

Cuomo Blames Trump Tax Plan for Reduced New York Tax Collections


  1. Is Cuomo an Italian slang word for something?


  2. "Is Cuomo an Italian slang word for something?"

    Yes, 4:46-- idiot. :-)

  3. More proof the elites are against you.


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