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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Migrants from 30 Nations Apprehended in One Texas Border Sector Since September 30

Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended migrants from at least 30 different nations since the beginning of October. Sector officials report significant variations in the demographic nationalities of migrants being apprehended this fiscal year.

“The apprehension of migrants from countries such as Brazil, Haiti, China, and countries of Africa have increased significantly this fiscal year,” Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz said in a written statement. “We continue to work with our law enforcement partners to combat threats in an effort to protect our country and the community.”

Sector officials report the apprehension of migrants from at least 30 separate nations other than Mexico during the first two months of Fiscal Year 2020 (which began on October 1). This is up from 15 nations during the same period in FY2019.



  1. This is ridiculous. The Democrats should be imprisoned for causing this.

  2. Democrats need the voting base, so they are cool with this...

  3. If you think about it they're the smart ones. They like the country the way it is. The so called well educated snowflakes want to change it. College kids are such geeks anyway.

  4. I don’t understand why their is convoys of Americans leaving America?

  5. build the wall 100%

  6. If these immigrants are the "ones we want" why are they entering illegally? I see this as a pure and simple effort for the handouts offered by the far left radical Democrats who are so desperate they are reduced to pandering for votes in any way shape or form.


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