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Friday, November 15, 2019

Michael Bloomberg to launch $100 million digital anti-Trump campaign

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire media mogul who continues to weigh a run for the Democratic nomination for president, will launch a $100 million online ad campaign targeting Republican President Donald Trump, an advisor confirmed.

Bloomberg has not said whether he will run for president, but has qualified as a candidate to appear on the primary ballots of two states. The moderate former mayor of New York City would have a tough fight to win the primary that began in earnest in the spring and has allowed possible rivals to campaign for months already.

The online advertisements Bloomberg is funding, which have not yet run but are slated to begin Friday, will target four states: Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The advertisements are slated to run through the primary season, regardless of whether Bloomberg decides to run for president, the aide confirmed. The details were first reported by The New York Times.



  1. Sick of the anti- stuff. Run on your own merits or sit down and shut up.

  2. Blunder-berg is a Dinosaur / Please go away !!!

  3. And the difference between Bloomberg, Soros and Russia is what?

  4. And the difference between any other commucrat is what?

  5. F off Bloomboogie.....

    we will stop you

  6. So he wants a socialist to win? Lol.

  7. He Never Learns , he has tried to run before & is a LOOSER !

    Go Fade away with Hillary & Obama !!!! MAGA

  8. Can we please stop the Royalsfrin coming to American. We don't need anymore Dems. Me-Gain had lunch with Hillary yesterday and all they did was praise each other. So sick. Harry 8s mentally ill and she a Hollywood loser. Every day the are in the news. Enough already

  9. Cleaning up the Swamp not just in DC but all over America !!
    Let this jerk run & Hillary too !!! Bring it

  10. How many millions did Hillary spend to get Trump ??

  11. If you think a digital ad is going to change my mind you are Dead Wrong!
    What a waste of money!


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