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Saturday, November 09, 2019

Maxine Waters Praises Schiff, Rants: Trump ‘Pack Up Tanning Bed and Leave’

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) on Friday went on a frenzied rant in a series of tweets, praising House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) and encouraging President Trump to “pack up his tanning bed & leave.”

The California lawmaker, who called for Trump’s impeachment long before House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) caved and announced the launch of an inquiry, went on a frenzied rant on Twitter Friday evening, accusing the GOP of “scrambling” and “lying” and falsely assessing that Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland proved the existence of “quid pro quo.” She also gave a “shoutout” to Schiff, and suggested that Trump “pack up his tanning bed & leave.”

“GOP scrambling & can’t get their lies straight. First they say no quid pro quo when Trump w/held mil. aid from Ukraine for dirt on Biden. Then Mulvaney says this happens all the time & “get over it.” Lies getting entangled,” she began.



  1. Have you ever noticed that she can not speak unless it critizes an individual. She is so low life - it just amazizes me she is wealthy. How can that be🤔

  2. Not only a commie, an ignorant commie

  3. Easy to say for someone not needing a melanin augmentation routine.

  4. Maxine, are you off your medication again?

  5. She is low IQ -plain and simple

  6. would someone please tell crazy maxine to take off that mask....Halloween is over


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