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Sunday, November 03, 2019

Maryland speaker urges governor to settle HBCUs lawsuit

Maryland’s House Speaker is urging the state’s governor to settle a lawsuit involving four historically black colleges for $577 million.

House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones sent a letter this week to Gov. Larry Hogan, exhorting him to end what she described as “a stain on the national reputation of Maryland’s higher education system.” She urged him to accept an amount recommended by an attorney representing the state’s four HBCUs to settle the 13-year-old lawsuit over disparities in programs.

Jones said any settlement money would be used to develop new programming, hire faculty and expand the reach of state scholarships.



  1. Taxpayer money should NOT be provided without a judgement decree in the courts. Then, the state needs to cut some other funding to pay for their malfeasance!

  2. This is a crock of crap , when are we going to wake up , if we settle this law suit by paying millions we have screwed up . We must stop this nonsense now .

  3. Sure, let's give more welfare to UMES- that'll fix the place. Everyone knows you don't send good money after bad money. You only invest in something that has already proven itself successful, or at least isn't dying. Sending UMES any more taxpayer funds is just going to be used to prop up an already dead school for a few more years.

  4. I have seen the caliber of the UMES students and graduates...and they rarely make it past the interview stage before they show their real potential...

    Most of them should not go to college - they should learn a trade - work with their hands to build / fix stuff!

    1. But everyone that goes to college is promised a great job making millions. The fox is watching the hen house again, when enrollment is not good and you need money you will tell a young person (hen/rooster) anything they want to hear for the free money that's not the College's (fox) responsibility to pay back. Then blame it on the free money maker's and sue, good thing the state of Maryland doesn't need to function on profit/loss. 3P's=3P's


  5. Do not 'settle' the case. Let it be judged on its merit, and if you lose, then you pay.

    Otherwise it's just a shakedown, and more will follow.

  6. Where's Sharpton? This is his style.

  7. Screw maryland. I don't owe a dime for anything I own. I have been unemployed for a while now and was in the process of opening up two service based businesses. Not after the theft of our tax dollars. I will work for cash and barter instead. No license, no taxes, everything will be as honest as can be with customers and maryland can kiss my

  8. Why are they always asking for more money? More welfare money for something. They need to be happy they get what they got. Make Umes and the other "black colleges" earn it. If they are not earning good grades stop giving anything.

  9. Lets see, UMES has pretty much lowered the bar for acceptance to their undergrad program. Their graduation rate show what happens when you lower the bar and give out free money. The only reason UMES is still in business is their grad programs, they are unsustainable with out them.

  10. U.M.E.S....under mining educational services

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Are these not the schools where the most popular course is Criminal Justice 101, Fun Things To Do While Waiting For Arraignment “ ?

  12. Wow. Only in Maryland can a black face SHAKEDOWN THE GOVERNMENT to protect subpar colleges that are ready to close. Can you name anyone with any substance who went to the schools?? They only teach racist society justice programs. Just another higher education daycare under the disguise of a college.

  13. More waste from the scum running this sorry state leave MD ASAP...GONNA get allot worse.

  14. Eastern Correctional institution transfers inmates to UMES after release

    so, that college is an extension of the Correctional system

    reason you have murders, drugs, rapes ect at UMES

  15. It used to be a judge would give two choices. JAIL OR MILITARY. Now it's JAIL OR COLLEGE!! FACT!!


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