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Sunday, November 03, 2019

Major Boardwalk Replacement Project Looming In Ocean City

OCEAN CITY — One of the significant projects discussed during this week’s strategic planning session was the re-decking of the Boardwalk, but unlike some of the other issues discussed, there was no question if it should be done, but how soon.

For the last few years, resort officials have known a major re-decking of the Boardwalk was looming and it has been a steady fixture on the town’s capital improvement plan. It now appears that bill is coming due with the wear-and-tear on one of town’s most important assets starting to show. The wooden sections of the Boardwalk were last replaced in 2010 and 2011 and the life expectancy at the time was eight to 10 years.

The issue was not if the Boardwalk re-decking should be undertaken, but how soon to do it and how best to fund it were the subjects of debate during strategic planning sessions this week. Funding was a recurring theme throughout the two-day cram sessions and the Boardwalk project was no different.

“The critical issue for that is going to be funding,” he said. “We need to have that money in place by next fall. It will have to be a two-phase project.”



  1. Southern yellow pine isn't the best alternative. Ipe is worth paying more for. Why? It'll last decades, and even when torn out, can be re-used like they did with the Coney Island boardwalk wood.

  2. Should have thought about the " upkeep" when it
    was built.

    That lack of knowledge always amazes me with our
    Leaders . They don't care, just burden the taxpayer
    some more with higher taxes.

    1. Exactly, and the county should not have to supplement any of this project. That needs to be looked into. Call your commissioners to make sure.

  3. How about using hardwood and stopping all the stupid car parades that nobody watches.

    1. Hey....I have a 4x4 jeep with a lift kit

    2. I have a diesel pickup with a performance chip and 4 inch exhaust

  4. Are people going to cry and complain about these necessary repairs and upgrades like they are about the ones in Downtown Salisbury?

  5. Once the IPE has reached its life expectancy it can be sold for reuse to fund the next rehab. The interior applications are many, and the history of the planks will drive up the value. Think the long run, OC.

  6. IPE can demand a secondary use price for high end interior applications that approaches or even exceeds its original cost, money that can fund the next rehab. The history of its original use is a selling point. Think forward, OC.

  7. IPE is going to be even hotter on the feet of people walking on the boardwalk. I don't think it will hold up well either. Can it take the weight of vehicles? I know some of the benches they used it on are already cracking.

  8. 11:25
    This has nothing to do with crying and complaining about it being done. The issue is that they knew it was going to have to be done and they didn't plan for it in the budget.

  9. Use the extra money they are getting from the outrageous parking fees. This is another example of Government by money and not common sense. This proves these Politians are not economist. They know nothing about cost / spending / planning for the future. Government does not ever plan for preventive maintenance, no preparation for replacement cost and no funds setup for these projects. They always look at the cost of replacement and not on how practical and what is the life of the material compared to the cost. Look through out Maryland and Maryland Counties they setup all these slush funds that are supposed to be returned to the State if not spent. This is not happening and they are using it for their own political purposes.

  10. They need to reverse the pattern to make it easier for the bikes

  11. They made Plenty of $$$$$ last summer , suck it up !!!!

  12. I thought they said the bwalk would last 15 years when they replaced it.

  13. 1203-The Ipe boardwalk in Coney Island lasted 70 years, and the majority of the boardwalk was re-purposed after it was torn out. Many people used it for flooring, others used it for bar tops. It's gorgeous, long lasting, and worth the investment.

  14. Tear it all out and let them walk on sand.

  15. Use Trex and call it a day.

  16. Use that new Nylon board instead of wood from now on !!!!

  17. WHooooooo !!! They made Plenty of Damn $$$ last
    summer quit Whining & Get-ER-Done !!!! Whaaaaa

  18. Only when the thugs from Baltimore are sent packing never to be allowed in OC will the Broadwalk be properly restored. Until then it’s not only money wasted, the local leaders look ridiculous. OC is a cesspool.


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