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Tuesday, November 26, 2019



  1. shanie shields should have crawled in a hole after all her BS. TYPICAL

  2. Take the Red pill with a nice cup of tea, and then take that portrait of Obama off the wall. Call us back if the delusion persists.

  3. It will never happen!! TRUMP will be the first president elected to a THIRD term. Society is fed up with the endless fantasies of trillion dollar giveaways

    1. 8:37-FDR had a third term. I get what you're saying, but you really should know that.

    2. 10:18- He was actually inaugurated for a fourth term but died 3 months later. I think we have the power to amend the constitution, but that could be a slippery slope. Imagine Obama having another term or two! He is not at all old and could skip an election like Teddy Roosevelt. I would support Trump's daughter or his son. I think they would base their platform virtually the same way as the president, which works for me.

    3. Obama hasn't given up the Presidency - deep State in action

  4. Shanie Shields , the perfect a$$ from da bury , showing her stupidity again .
    I really thought we were rid of this cow.

  5. LMAO...Shamie Shields is just as irrelevant as April Jackson and Manure Bota!

  6. 8:37 literally not going to happen. The only give aways are from the rich to the rich.

  7. yes well, I saw where losing candidate Tim Sheppard was posting that ICE was in S Salisbury a while ago. and then it was revealed it was a "false alarm"
    He also posted directions on how to get away from ICE.
    Welcome to your ghetto.
    It was your election to lose.
    Now you got a clowncil full of stupids and their merry progressive money wasting leader.

  8. Worthless Impeachment that means NOTHING !!! LOL LOL

  9. Shania the black people are waking up and know Trump and the Republicans have done more for them than all you lying liberals put together. So keep trying to pull them back to the plantation but it's not going to work. Oh and by the way the liberals don't need your black vote they are counting on there new best friends the illegals.

  10. Shields goes through life lying, stealing, and cheating everyone she makes eye contact with.....
    She has no integrity. ZERO.
    If there were any number less than zero available to rate her honesty and integrity, I would use it. ZERO is the best she gets.
    That's NOT opinion, either.

  11. They have Enough to IMPEACH Themselves !!! FACT

  12. Anonymous said...
    LMAO...Shamie Shields is just as irrelevant as April Jackson and Manure Bota!

    November 26, 2019 at 9:12 AM

    "Manure Bota" Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  13. Bury these Deep State Traitors DEEEEP !!! 2020 !!!


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