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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Italian town is offering free houses for anyone who’ll move there

If you’re sick of paying too much in rent for a tiny New York City apartment, you move into a stone building in Sicily for free.

The mayor of the town of Cammarata, Vincenzo Giambrone, is trying to save his town from population decline. He plans to do so by having local families who have abandoned their homes hand over their properties to new owners — with no money exchanged. Some 12 houses are now available.

But CNN reports that the free homes, which are both empty and crumbling, come with some strings attached.

The new owners must fix up the structures on their own dime within three years, as well as put down a $4,300 deposit that will be returned once the work is completed. The owners must also present their renovation plans to the town for approval



  1. Somebody make sure Whoppi, Behar, Rosie, Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff and Nader all get the memo!

  2. Americans are not welcome their command of English excludes them from learning Italian.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Spent two weeks in Tuscany last year and loved it. Don’t follow their politics but can’t be any worse than the Marxist democrat epicenters in this country. Especially California, Oregon and Washington. Those old stone houses would be a nightmare to renovate and then to heat during winter months.guess I’ll just remain here in my forest.

  4. If I could go, I would.


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