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Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Get out the Vote for Wayne King

Polling places are open 7AM-7PM


  1. I will make a guest appearance some time today.

  2. Concerning District 1 - does anyone know anything about Mable E. Marshall? I can't seem to find any information on this person.

    With Tim Sheppard, I saw on his FaceBook page that he is the typical Trump basher and hater reposting Mark Hamill's 'Fraud' twitter comment about Jared and Ivanka. If that is your mentality then I already know what you are about. Plus, when you praise Elijah Cummings as your leader and a mentor, I can see what you are about. No thank you.

  3. Just voted for Wayne- my vote is a middle finger to all those liberal NPR-listening losers who want to use my hard earned tax dollars to virtue signal to each other about how compassionate they are. NO to the stupid folk festival. NO to taking more property off the tax rolls so spoiled communist professors at SU can have ever more space to poison the minds of youth. NO to painting sidewalk while people are being robbed and raped. Screw you, Jake Day. I voted for Wayne.

  4. Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, vote for Wayne everyone.


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