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Thursday, November 07, 2019

Fox is only cable network to cover ABC News squashing Epstein story on-air

Fox News has been the only cable news outlet to cover the recent revelation that ABC News squashed an interview that anchor Amy Robach conducted with one of Jeffrey Epstein's accusers years ago.

Project Veritas released a video Tuesday of Robach discussing the information she received years earlier from Virginia Roberts Giuffre on a hot mic.

She voiced her frustration about the network's refusal to run her story and claimed that Buckingham Palace had threatened ABC News after finding out that Prince Andrew was implicated in her reporting. She also expressed her belief that Epstein was murdered because of what he knew about "powerful men," despite his death having been ruled a suicide.



  1. Fair, balanced, and unafraid.

  2. These main stream news outlets are as corrupt as the day is long. Worse than lawyers!

  3. Why can't we call a spade a spade

  4. search warrants should be done on all the brass at Disney.

  5. Funny!!!! Fair and balanced ,...right

    1. Bengazi was about a book. Now shut up

  6. Do you think for one minute George Stephanopoulos was ever going to give this story on air with how tight him and the Clintons are?? NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!

  7. I thought I saw it on the OAN network too but not positive. Fox has slid to the left a little in my opinion. OAN is the new Fox when it was Fox and not trying to play both sides of the fence.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: I think the legal term is “quash:” , not squash. Squash is what you do to a bug or a Marxist democrat.


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