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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fed Chairman Powell says unemployment, already at 50-year low, could go lower

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said that the unemployment rate, already at a 50-year low, could drop further without necessarily causing inflation to rise.

"The data is not sending any signal that the labor market is so hot or that inflation is moving up," Powell said during a hearing at the congressional Joint Economic Committee. "What we have learned ... is that the U.S. economy can operate at a much lower level of unemployment than many thought."

The chairman also said that wages were rising.



  1. Only if this POS keeps the FED out of the way.

  2. “Keeping the Fed out of the way” is a sure sign that the commenter does not understand who are the Fed Bankers.

    The Fed manages the business cycle and prints US Dollars to purchase US Bonds. They are the Masters of the Universe. Literally.

    They print the currency.
    Get it?


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