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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Dem Prosecutors Fear For Suburbs’ Safety As Radical District Attorneys, Fueled By Soros Cash, Take Control

Radical social justice activists will serve as the top prosecutors for three major Washington, D.C., suburbs — including the two wealthiest counties in the U.S. — after George Soros’s political action committee poured $2.1 million into ordinarily sleepy local races.

In Virginia’s Fairfax and Arlington counties, the “reformer” attorneys ran on platforms far to the left of the Democratic incumbents, beating them in primary races before ultimately winning the general elections.

In both cases, the incumbents expressed concern for public safety if the Soros-backed candidates took control. They also said that the activists were pushing a national platform about racism and over-incarceration that had no basis in reality in the affluent, liberal jurisdictions.



  1. Not to mention the terrorist spawn who just won in San Francisco.

  2. Democrats are to blame since they have been taking Soros's money for years and now they are so dependent are Soros's money that they have been bought and paid for. The Democrats have destroyed our democracy.

  3. Why hasnt seal team six dumped soros in the ocean yet..he is just as evil and subversive as any terroist. He needs to be arrested for interfering in US elections along with these democrats

  4. The Dems did NOT take Soros’ money. Silly commenter. Mr Soros along with the extremely rich families of the world’s Central Banks hired the Dems to do what they want done.

    These people run the intelligence agencies to keep the government in check. They blackmail politicians with free stuff and indict them into secret societies where they control the agenda.

    The world is very complex and the richest people made it that way. They will not give up power. They are our Lords.

    Get it?

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Potential for that one act of violence that will spark serious bloodshed in the streets becomes more of a reality and increases with every Marxist democrat appointed or elected to positions of authority in any form of government. Seriously, cIvil war could be on the horizon and will begin as unorganized skirmishes in local communities and expand from there. If you were to do some minimal historical research regarding the political climate in Germany in the 20s and 30s, you will notice remarkable parallels. We all know the results of that era or maybe some of us do. Scary to think that most of today’s youth couldn’t identify Germany or Russia on a world map.


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