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Monday, November 11, 2019

Fauxcahontas Confirms Taxpayers Cover Illegal Immigrants in Health Insurance Plan

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) confirmed Friday that her $52 trillion Medicare-for-All plan will cover illegal immigrants.

Warren attended a “Latinx town hall” in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday and confirmed during a Q&A session that her Medicare-for-All plan will, in fact, cover the 11-22 million illegal immigrants residing in the United States.

An attendee asked:

"We know that you have included undocumented people in your plans to provide Medicare-for-All, so my question is why did you decide to include people regardless of immigration status, and would this include obtaining subsidies like the ACA’s – Affordable Care Act’s – affordability subsidies?

“Would you also support access to the children’s health insurance program without regard to immigration stuff?” he added.

“I’m really glad you asked this. Medicare-for-All, as I put this together, covers everyone, regardless of immigration status, and that’s it,” Warren said to applause.



  1. There is no feasible way that the working Citizen should be expected to pay for insurance for the entire world... I hear slavery mandate from the Dems.

  2. The illegal population is at least twice what is reported, per ICE agents I have spoken with... just go to the Georgetown Wal Mart and see for yourself how many are in this area alone.

  3. No way in hell. And this is why socialism in the U.S. and the libby party will lose in 2020...

  4. Insurance and housing and food and electricity and, and and And and

  5. Poco ought to get in a canoe and paddle to the first large whirlpool.

  6. What would the advantage to work if everyone got things free? Just don't work. Soon they will find they can't exist without someone working

  7. The problem with Lizzie is that she thinks and acts like she is in her classroom and is still a petty tyrant who can force you to think and act as she wants or she will flunk you.

  8. Sad to say people but look at your local area ghetto 'bury. The socialist democratic pigs are already implementing all the housing requirements to go along with the free healthcare. This country will implode within the next ten years


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